Principle analysis of face recognition technology based on face recognition lock
Principle analysis of face recognition technology based on face recognition lock
Face recognition is mainly divided into three processes: face detection, feature extraction and face recognition.
Face detection: face detection is to detect and extract face image from input image. Generally, Haar feature and AdaBoost algorithm are used to train cascade classifier to classify each image. If a rectangular region passes through a cascade classifier, it is identified as a face image.
Feature extraction: feature extraction refers to the representation of face information by some numbers, which are the features we want to extract. The common face features are divided into two categories, one is geometric features, the other is characterization features. Geometric features refer to the geometric relationships among facial features such as eyes, nose and mouth, such as distance, area and angle. Because the algorithm uses some intuitive features, the amount of calculation is small. However, its application is limited because the required feature points can not be selected accurately. In addition, when the illumination changes, the face is covered by foreign objects, and the facial expression changes, the features change greatly. Therefore, this kind of algorithm is only suitable for rough recognition of face image, and can not be applied in practice.
Representation features use the gray information of face image to extract global or local features through some algorithms. LBP is one of the most commonly used feature extraction algorithms. LBP method first divides the image into several regions, and uses the center value as the thresholding value in the neighborhood of 640x960 pixels in each region. The result is regarded as a binary number.
Face recognition: the face recognition mentioned here is a narrow sense of face recognition, that is, the extracted features of the face to be recognized are compared with the features of the face in the database, and the classification is determined according to the similarity. And face recognition can be divided into two categories: one is confirmation, which is the process of comparing the face image with the person's image stored in the database to answer your question or not; The other is recognition, which is the process of matching a face image with all the images stored in the database to answer the question of who you are. Obviously, face recognition is more difficult than face recognition because it needs massive data matching. The commonly used classifiers are nearest neighbor classifier, support vector machine and so on.
Similar to fingerprint application, intelligent door lock is a mature technology of face recognition. Because in the face recognition intelligent door lock system, the user is active cooperation, can obtain the qualified face in a specific environment. This provides a good input source for face recognition, and can often get satisfactory results.
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